10 Smart Tricks to Lose Weight While Saving Money

Good health is what helps you do everything in life most effectively. For good health, a balanced body, the reduction of excess fat is essential. By going to the gym or using drugs will be very expensive for you. Why not try to learn effective ways to lose weight without spending money?

Keep reading the following 10 tips will help your weight loss becomes much cheaper.


  1. Cooking at home

Cooking at home will save you a lot of money compared to eating out. Creating a plan and menu for self-cooking will help you control your calorie intake, fresh foods and nutrition. Limit high-calorie and expensive foods such as sturgeon eggs or beef ribs every day to both save costs and limit high-calorie dishes.

  1. Buy food in bulk

Beans and brown rice are two foods that provide a lot of fiber, creating a feeling of fullness, limiting junk food. Both of these items will be much cheaper if purchased in bulk. If purchased like that more economical than buying retail. Make sure the food you buy does not expire in the meantime.

  1. Planning

Try to plan your meals throughout the week. By doing so, you will avoid unexpected snacking with processed foods that are not good for your weight. Take your weekends to create a healthy eating plan for the next weekdays, so you will limit the high-calorie dishes that can be encountered.

  1. Make a list of what you need to buy

If your kitchen doesn’t have unhealthy weight foods, you’re less likely to touch them. To avoid the temptation of eating unhealthy food, make a list of healthy foods you are going to eat throughout the week and shop on that list.

  1. Know when to buy frozen items

Fresh and pre-packaged products contain lots of nutrients and low-calorie but often not cheap. Meanwhile, according to a study published in the Journal of Food Science and Agriculture (2007), some frozen foods still have a nutritional value equivalent to fresh but much more low-priced items.

Cheap workout

  1. Walk or bike

If you have a habit of driving your car every day, cycling or walking seems to be better for weight loss. Walking more than 1km will consume between 100-200 calories depending on the weight of each person, while cycling will be 50-100 calories. So why now we do not have to sweat a bit to exercise like that, both save money on gasoline and weight loss effectively.

  1. Reduce service costs

Fitness membership is usually more than $ 20 per month. If you buy in packages of 6 months or 1 year then you will be much cheaper. There are still cheaper options for most people. You can choose sports classes at parks, clubs, which will save quite a lot of money. If you prefer the proper gym, take advantage of the discount promotions or coupons and should attend some practice sessions before deciding on a long-term workout.

  1. Exercise at the park with exercise machines

If you don’t want to pay a premium for professional gyms then head to the parks. Today, most parks have quite a lot of public fitness equipment. You can walk, push your hands or do many other movements and it’s all free.

  1. Take advantage of free training tutorial videos

The Internet has provided you with lots of exercise videos. If you do not want to have a workout outside, you can watch exercise videos according to your preferences and do it at home. YouTube has a lot of free exercise videos that suit everyone’s health.

  1. Join a sports club

For some, they only practice sports when combined with play. If you’re like that, try joining a sports team. The cost to participate in many places is free or very cheap for each training season but you will receive a lot of health benefits and fun in the team. Check Nutritional Therapy Association review here.

For many people, losing weight is challenging physically and mentally. Moreover, it is a financial challenge because going to the gym every month costs a lot of money, buying a relatively expensive exercise kit or weight loss products cost you more than expected. So, to become healthy and lose weight, change your exercise, diet and lifestyle habits in an economical, ideal way.