Chlamydia Test and Treatment

Chlamydia is an STD that is sexually transmitted. It is important to have your chlamydia test routinely if you think you might be sexually active. This is the best way to make sure you don’t have an STD so you don’t infect your partner and spread this disease. Your test can tell you if you have been exposed or not. Here are some important facts about chlamydia symptoms and testing.

Most people have their first test for chlamydia tested in the home. A urine test is done with the use of a swab. The sample is scraped from your private area and the test for gonorrhea and trichomoniasis is performed. A culture can also be performed with the use of a sample of your fluid. An accurate exam and diagnosis can be given very quickly when these tests are performed by a trained professional.

A lot of people assume that they won’t get tested because they think they’ll be told if they have an STD or they won’t have symptoms for so long. This is not true; if you think you might be infected, you should visit an STD clinic for a correct diagnosis and treatment. If you believe you have been infected, you should get a chlamydia test as soon as possible. Don’t wait for symptoms to become obvious; by having a test for chlamydia, you can get the infection treated before it spreads to your sex partner and cause serious health problems.

A common misconception people have is that if they are sexually active, they can’t get a chlamydia test done. This is simply not true. Once you become infected, your doctor will be able to tell if you have been exposed to a chlamydia infection or not. Therefore, you should always be tested if your sexual partner has an STD or you think you may have an STD. Tests can be aquired at std-test-kit.

Some of the most common symptoms of chlamydia include an abdomen rash, foul smelling vaginal discharge, and painful urination. Abnormal vaginal bleeding is another symptom that can signal that you might be suffering from an STD. Abnormal vaginal bleeding could signal the presence of pelvic inflammatory disease or gonorrhea. Your provider may also ask for other symptoms to confirm if you are suffering from an STD or another condition. Some of the tests for STD that your provider will perform will include urinalysis, cultures of abnormal vaginal bleeding, and cervicitis testing.

Other symptoms of chlamydia include burning, itching, and redness in the mouth, lips, or tongue. These symptoms are most common in women but men can also get chlamydia through oral sex. The type of treatment, that your provider will prescribe depends on the symptoms you are displaying. If you test negative during the screening process, your doctor will most likely prescribe an oral medication and require you to wait to see if the infection clears up. If you test positive, you will be prescribed an anti-chlamydia cream that will help get rid of the infection.