What Is A Crossbite? What Are Its Signs, Effects And Treatment?

An orthodontic condition termed crossbite can be triggered by a misalignment of the upper and lower teeth, resulting in an uneven bite. This dental issue can negatively impact oral health and general well-being in individuals of all ages.

Crossbites affect both adults and children. Too many complicated dental issues may arise from crossbite. Teeth are arranged overly closely to the cheek and tongue, not in a straight row and in the correct alignment. If you are suffering from crossbite, contact an experienced dentist in Brooklyn, New York

What Are The Signs, Effects, and Treatment of A Crossbite?

Abnormal jaw growth may arise from untreated crossbite, which can lead to jaw problems. Your entire facial form will change as a result of this growth, leaving you with a strange look. Crossbite may trigger low self-esteem and limit smiles.

Crossbites in children can be caused by premature loss of milk teeth, finger sucking, prolonged use of a pacifier or feeding bottle, and the development of adult teeth when the child is still shedding baby teeth. Therefore, orthodontic treatment should be given to kids between the ages of 6 and 7 to determine if they might develop troubles with a crossbite.

Crossbites can be classified into two distinct types: anterior and posterior.

  • Crossbite anterior:

When the top front teeth lie behind the front lower teeth, this is referred to as an anterior crossbite. Another common term for this kind of misalignment is an underbite. An anterior crossbite can cause speech issues, trouble biting and chewing food, and an irregular facial appearance.

  • Posterior Crossbite:

The top and bottom back teeth are not positioned appropriately in a posterior crossbite. When your jaws are closed, the upper teeth are placed inside the lower teeth. This type of crossbite may stunt jaw development, result in uneven dental wear, and cause discomfort in the jaw.

Symptoms and Side Effects of Crossbite

Early detection and treatment for a crossbite depends upon how well you can recognize the signs. The usual symptoms of a crossbite include –

  • Chronic headaches.
  • Jaw pain or strain.
  • Biting and issues with chewing.
  • Speech problems.
  • Uneven dental wear.
  • Asymmetrical facial characteristics.

If a crossbite is not treated, it can result in a number of problems and oral health issues. The excessive wear and tear on your teeth, along with poor dental hygiene, increases your risk of tooth decay.

Options for Treating Crossbite

Fortunately, there are a number of methods to cure a crossbite while improving oral health. Among the most common treatments are:

  • Palatal or maxillary expander:

A device called a palatal or maxillary expander is attached to the top teeth and helps to expand the palate, creating room and improving alignment gradually.

  • Braces or Invisalign:

Any combination of braces and clear aligners can help shift teeth into the right places to fix anterior and posterior crossbites.