How to Protect Your Ears Against Tinnitus?

Tinnitus or ringing in the ears is a problem that affects millions of people in America and across the world. Every year, almost 50 million Americans experience ringing in the ears. Though only 1 or 2 million of those people have Tinnitus which is very bothersome, it seems to be a very prevalent problem that is here to stay.

So, what can you do to protect your ears against Tinnitus? We suggest the top tips below. You might also want to read this excellent research article on 11 ways to naturally treat Tinnitus, if you are already suffering from a case of ringing in the ears.

How to prevent Tinnitus?

  1. Protect your ears against loud noise – Anything over 85 dB is harmful to your ears. Prolonged exposure to loud noises is particularly harmful. When you have to go to loud events or venues, wear ear plugs that will protect your ears. Or, avoid such places. Your ear has tiny hair cells that dance and sway to incoming sound waves. Very loud noises can cause cell death in these hair cells. Such a death is permanent as these hair-like cells don’t regenerate. When these cells begin to die, problems such as hearing loss and then Tinnitus can arise as a result. Learn more about how loud noise damages your ears here, at the CDC website.
  1. Avoid Ototoxic medicines – Oto=Ears. Toxic of course means bad for you. There are many medicines that are ototoxic in nature. From antidepressants to NSAID painkillers to chemotherapy drugs, some medicines are just not good for your ears. If you have to take such medicines regularly, you might want to talk to your doctor about non ototoxic alternatives. Here’s a list of ototoxic medicines. This is a particularly useful tip if Tinnitus came and went away for you. There’s a good chance it can come back if you continue to take ototoxic medicines.
  1. Reduce stress levels – Stress, anxiety and depression all seem to have a direct correlation with an increased incidence of Tinnitus. Stress leads to inflammation that can then damage the tiny and delicate ear structures. Additionally, your nervous system is also in a highly excited state as a result of being stressful. This can then cause nerve cell death. If such nerve cell or neuron death happens in your auditory cortex, your hearing will be affected. Loss or partial hearing and also problems like Tinnitus and vertigo can then result as symptoms.
  1. Unvaccinated for Covid? Talk to your doctor before taking the jab – Almost all Covid vaccines have been associated with a higher risk of inducing Tinnitus. If you have a history of problems with your ears or have had Tinnitus before, you might want to talk to your doctor before taking the Covid jab. Also, Covid itself can cause Tinnitus as one of the symptoms. Research on whether Tinnitus caused by Covid vaccine or Covid itself is still in preliminary stages. It is unclear if such a resulting case of Tinnitus will be temporary or permanent.
  2. Clean up your diet! Yes, a healthy diet and lifestyle can help protect your ears against Tinnitus. Your ears rely on healthy blood supply from the heart to function well. Your blood brings nutrients like oxygen, magnesium, sodium and potassium to the ears. A diet high in sugars, salts or fats will disrupt blood flow to your ears, causing your ears to malfunction. Hearing loss, Tinnitus and other problems arise as a result. Also, limit or give up smoking and alcohol.